
The Gateway to Knowledge, Wisdom, Ethics, and Human Experience

The Gateway to Knowledge, Wisdom, Ethics, and Human Experience
Dr. Babak Negahdari, the Head of the Research Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis), during the Research Day celebration, highlighted some of the assets of Iran Language Institute, such as its 100-year history, its extensive geographic reach across the country, its large number of language learners, and its linguistic diversity.
According to the Public Relations and International Affairs Department of Iran Language Institute, Dr. Negahdari said, “I congratulate both your predecessors, who managed to build such a significant asset over the years, and you, who are truly worthy inheritors of their efforts.”
Dr. Negahdari stated, “The domain of Iran Language Institute and the subject of language form the foundation, authenticity, and identity of every culture and the history of every nation. The importance of your work as the pillars of the identity of every civilization and culture doubles its value, and we must appreciate this fact.”
Regarding the importance of “language”, Dr. Negahdari said, “Language plays a dual role: it contributes to the identity and authenticity of a country, and it also connects with thought. There are various theories about whether language shapes thought or thought shapes language. Regardless of the perspective, the key role of language in shaping thought is undeniable.”
He added, “Language is an existential domain of humanity. Understanding our place in the universe and the human domain in which we operate is crucial. Recognizing the intrinsic and philosophical value of your work is very important. Your work is sacred and valuable because, in the modern world, capitalist ideologies have strived to push societies toward prioritizing possessions. The more possessions are emphasized, the better the cycles of the modern and capitalist world function. Consequently, people are constantly made to feel inadequate, as the competition for possessions leaves everyone feeling unfulfilled.”



Dr. Negahdari elaborated on the difference between “being” and “having,” stating, “True authenticity does not lie in possessions but in being. The ultimate goal of the Islamic system is human development, and the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) described the purpose of his mission as the revival of moral virtues. Therefore, in Islamic thought, authenticity lies in being—what adds to your essence and elevates your worth, not in your possessions.”

He continued, “Your work is sacred because it contributes to the being of individuals. Language is the gateway to knowledge, wisdom, ethics, and human experiences in a country or society. Often, we learn a language to access these aspects. Learning a new language opens a new window to wisdom, ethics, philosophy, logic, and human experience in that country. Thus, your work enriches the being of individuals. The effects of your efforts extend into eternity and are not limited to this world. Therefore, your work is sacred, valuable, and noble. You should take pride in your role, as God has granted you the opportunity to contribute to the being of humanity.”

Expressing satisfaction with the establishment of Persian language education at Iran Language Institute, Dr. Negahdari said, “The Persian language forms the identity of Iranians. If we claim that language opens the doors to human knowledge in different countries, we also have the responsibility to open the doors to the great Iranian and Islamic culture and civilization to the world. For this reason, promoting and teaching Persian is crucial and impactful. Studies show that our formal system has not created sufficient appeal for teaching Persian. We need your help to make Persian more attractive.”

He emphasized the importance of promoting Persian alongside other languages, as highlighted by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, and expressed hope for the future growth and expansion of Persian worldwide.



Dr. Negahdari stated, “I believe every day is Research Day, and every week is Research Week. Studies by strategic organizations worldwide show that science, research, and technology drive all global transformations. Power lies in knowledge, the economy is rooted in innovation, and military strength depends on advanced technologies. Therefore, science, research, and technology propel the world forward. Additionally, our religious and national culture highlights the importance of research, particularly in the field of language, which plays a leading role.”

He warned that the excessive technocratic focus of modern scientific advancements, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), automation, and other technologies, risks diverting human identity, ethics, and logic toward undesirable paths. Research in language, by opening doors to wisdom and ethics, can counteract the potential dangers of technocratic advancements.

In conclusion, Dr. Negahdari stated, “Your research in language education opens the doors of ethics and wisdom to humanity, making your work profoundly sacred. I hope you continue to move forward with even greater determination and strength.”

Jan 19, 2025 14:38
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The Iranian Language Center, as the most prestigious, oldest and largest foreign language teaching institute in Iran, has been operating in Tehran since 1304 under the name of the Iran-US Association, and its classes were often held in affiliated centers. Language education "was launched at the crossroads of the Republic in the 1330s